
JR is Retiring......

From GOLF that is.....South Mountain is really going to miss his daily visits on their course. He is off to California with his buddy Matt to once again adventure into killing bugs!! We wish him luck!! I am holding the fort down here in Utah, while he is gone. I was not about to move again. California was very tempting but JR knew if he moved me there, I would never come back to Utah. I am looking forward to Savannah going off track from school so we can go visit him.


Amber said...

If you need anything, just let me know!

Good luck!

natasha said...

when are you going to visit? we are going down there the 2nd to the 9th which is cool because megan and austin will be down at disneyland with meg's family. can't wait! how is utah treating you anyhow? arriel is the BEST friend. I don't know what i did to deserve her. seriously.

Tonya said...

Not till the middle of May(15th?) and then we will stay till June. Utah is ok! I just want the warm weather to come. It's going to be nice today!

aubs33 said...

I need to move there. Derek's looking for a job-and one popped up in UT. He would be traveling around all the time. So, if we end up coming, we could be single moms together. Hang in there! Seriously I don't get how so many guys love golf. I have played before, and I h a t e it! So does D. he pretends to like it, only for work, lol!

Nicole said...

You should plan aday trip up to see me in perry. We'll get maddox chicken and hang out.

ejrowsell said...

How about we go to California and he stays here. ;-)
Let's get the kids together to play this summer!