
And they answered like this......

My cute friend sent me a fun email. She had asked her little girl 20 questions and forwarded her responses. I thought her answers were the cutest ever so I thought I would ask my kids. Carson, I thought might be a little too young but I asked him anyway...

1.What is something mom always says to you?
S-I love you C-clean your room
2.What makes mom happy?
S-When I clean my room C-when my room is clean (they never heard each others responses)
3.What makes mom sad?
S-I don't know, I've never seen you sad about anything C- when i don't clean my room
4.How does mom make you laugh?
S-says silly words C-fun words
5.What was your mom like as a child?
S-you had yellow hair and you were tan C-you were silly
6.How old is your mom?
S-32 C-15
7.How tall is your mom?
S-36 pounds C-really tall!
8.What is her favorite thing to do?
S-spending time with me C- wash her hands
9.What does your mom do when you are not around?
S-Go to the store C-clean the house
10.If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
S-Singer C-Spider-man
11.What is your mom really good at?
S-Dinner C-Brushing her teeth
12.What is your mom not very good at?
S-bending down because you have a baby in your tummy C-I don't know
13.What does your mom do for her job?
S-watch the kids, take me to soccer, take me to gymnastics and clean C-not sure
14.What is your mom's favorite food?
S- salad C-salad
15.What makes you proud of your mom?
S-She loves me and does things for me C-you let me sleep in your bed
16.If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
S- Cinderella C-Batman
17.What do you and your mom do together?
S-go shopping, play games, and read C-Hang-out
18.How are you and your mom the same?
S-we both like salads C-we play together
19.How are you and your mom different?
S-our hair is different C-you a girl I'm a boy
20.How do you know your mom loves you?
S-because you are proud of me C- you love me

This was so fun to hear their answers....I am so lucky to be their mom! I am so glad I get to stay home with them and watch them grow everyday.


The fire is still burning.......

Today has been kind of a crazy day. I was awaken this morning at 3am with major back pain. I was trying to do everything I could to get the pain to go away but nothing seemed to work. Eventually, Ashlee woke up and then Carson and then it was time to get Savannah off to school. I was trying to be tough but I was still in a lot of pain. After talking with the nurse, my only option was to go into the hospital. I really did not want to go through all that if I was just having false labor. The doctor called me and told me to try a heating pad for an hour. Ashlee was taking a nap, so I took advantage of that and laid down. After about an hour it seemed the pain had subsided.
My neighbor gave me a call to check up on me and to also let me know about the fire near our house. I came out of my house a little after 1pm and this is what I saw......

Update: Look's like the fire is settling down. They are concerned about the winds that are suppose to pick up but it seems like they are on top of it.

Fall Soccer

Saturday was Savannah's 1st game for the fall season. I was a bit nervous, there were more players and positions this year. Savannah did awesome! She scored 5 goals!!

Savannah and Grandma....
Grandma and Grandpa come to all her games and she likes having them there to watch her play.

Ashlee playing with her chapstick


Little Cottonwood Canyon

JR took the kids up to the tram ride in little cottonwood canyon. They had a lot of fun with Daddy. Savannah tried the rock wall for the first time. She was so determine to make it to the top. Carson had fun on the trampoline doing tricks. What a nice day it was and an awesome view. I was really wanting to go. JR thought I should try and get some much needed rest from being sick with a Sinus infection for over a week. I thought by going I might be able to get this little boy to come out. JR was there to bring me back to reality. He said, I can't remember with Ashlee what you did to try and get yourself in labor but with Carson and Savannah you tried everything under the sun and if you didn't go early with them there is no chance with this one. So, he is probably right!
I am glad he got to spend some time with Carson and Savannah. They have missed their daddy, so much. He was with us for a WHOLE week. What a nice treat that was. He left on Friday and will come back a day before I go in to be induced. YAY!


Two Cousins!

A tender moment that I was lucky to observe....
Alex has always showed much love to Ashlee. Ever since Ashlee was a tiny baby, Alex has smothered her with love. He loves to give her tight hugs and smother her with kisses. Ashlee likes her personal space and the majority of the time she lets Alex know how bothered she is. Still, Alex continues to sneak a quick hug from her. While we were camping I got to watch this cute encounter they had. Ashlee was playing by herself and Alex came to sit right by her. I figured Ashlee would let out a scream and Alex would run off. To my surprise she let him sit right next to her(leaving her some distance still). He put his hat on her head and well...I will let these pictures tell the rest of this touching story of two cousins........


Heber Valley Camp......Fun memories with the Peterson Family!

All the Petersons went up to the Heber Valley Camp. What a fun time it was! Grandma and Grandpa Peterson planned it all and everything was great. The camp was amazing. It was up in Heber on a church owned mountain. We stayed in cabins(ok..not me but I did drive down and back up in the morning), had our own pavilion, and camp sight. Our kids absolutely loved it!
All the Peterson cousins(except Todd, who was MIA and Makensie, who lives in CO)

Grandma Susan planned all these fun things for the kids to do during the day.
All the grand kids went on a, "Treasure Hunt", dressed up in their pirate gear. Grandma made these cool swords for them, they all got a pirate gun, hat and eye patch. They were true pirates trying to find the buried treasure!

All the Pirates wearing their cool tie-died T-shirts they made

The lake up at the camp

Everyone was going to go paddle boating. I was just coming down to watch with Ashlee. I didn't want to miss out on the fun so I decided to go too with Ashlee. This is me 2 weeks from having #4. Ashlee seemed a little confused at what Mommy put on her!

Ashlee just kicking back, enjoying the ride!

Carson and Savannah were loving it!

We all decided to race(well most of us) I think we had 4 boats in the race. JR and I were ahead. Yes, me the prego lady...was trying my hardest. In the end we won or should I say, should have! JR's brother Mike and niece decided to hold onto our boat and push us out of 1st place.

Some more picture's of all the fun!
Carson with his airplane he made

Cousins playing with the bubble's grandma made

Ashlee taking Sophi for a ride!

Thanks Mom and Dad for all you do for us!
Can't wait for next year!!!


This one is for you DADDY!

Savannah, Carson and Ashlee are so excited to see their Daddy this weekend. They have waited so long!!!!!! It will be nice to have him home before our little baby comes. Maybe he will decide to come while JR is here. I won't have any problems with that.:)

My girls...Ashlee loves to follow her big sis around and copy her every move. I love it! Savannah is the sweetest big Sis!


Friday Fill-Ins

1. You know you're old when __You Love to watch Larry King Live.
2. My heart is divided between _____getting a goodnight's sleep_____ and ______reading a good book____.
3. _____Sleep and Me time_____ is what I need RIGHT NOW!
4. I have felt the ____love______, I have known the depths of ____lonliness______.
5. Gah, won't these people ___Stop Calling_______.
6. ____Baby Boy come______ as soon as you can!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to __watching the Olympics___, tomorrow my plans include __running kids around, going out with friends that night___ and Sunday, I want to __go to church(cross my fingers we are all well)___!


Savannah Flashback's

Lately, I have been going through drawers and plastic bins.. I came across some fun pictures of Savannah! It is fun to see the similarities that Ashlee has of her big sis. It seems so long ago we were living in Houston. It is hard to remember what it was like having one child. Our family has grown so much, since then.



I wanted to spotlight Carson today. He is my tender-hearted kid! Having his daddy gone for 4 months now has really been hard on him. There is not a day that goes by that he does not say, "I just miss him so bad, mommy"! It truly breaks my heart. His deep love for chocolate does not stop him from wanting to save a piece for his dad. When he gets a snack before bed, he will leave another one for his dad. We had cookies the other night and he asked me if I had saved any for daddy? I told him no, we at them all. He then said, "well we need to make some cookies for daddy and when we go get him from the airport, I will give them to him!" Carson is so caring and thoughtful. He is all boy and loves to tease but when all said and done, he is the best brother to have. I love you Carson and I am so lucky to be your mom. I love all the ways you show me, you love me. I notice all the sweet things you do and we are so blessed to have you a part of our family.



Ashlee has decided to go without the bottle. I was puzzled at first and then concerned. So concerned I took her to the doctors! OK, I waited almost a week, I am no newbie! She seemed healthy and had been sleeping all through the night(which is a nice bonus). All the doctor could think of was maybe she was constipated or had a slight sore throat. Well it has been a few days since the doctor visit and she is still refusing to drink a bottle. With another little one on the way, I guess this will be nice but I am still sad. Even before she was born I had made up my mind that my next baby could have their Binki and bottle as long as they wanted. I guess she decided for herself, so I should just move on.