
Danger Zone...

Our little Chase is a little too Jaundice. His bilirubin had gone way down but then it went back up. It has been pretty emotional for me. I was told to STOP nursing him at once! No Mommy wants to hear that in voice message. I was in a panic and got a hold of a nurse, who got a doctor for me to talk too. Waiting for him to find out more information my doctor then called. Chase will have to be in the lighted bed until Monday, when they can draw his blood again and check his level. I need a distraction so that is why I am posting. It breaks my heart to see my little boy Chase in his lighted bed. I know I won't sleep tonight. Luckily, since he does not have a crib, he will be right next to me

At first Chase wanted OUT! He wanted to nurse and was trying really hard to kick himself free......

Nursed and ready for a good night sleep!


michelle said...

At least Chase has the modern version of the lights. Do you remember Spencers'...he looked like a glow-worm with a diaper.

Amber said...

This looks sooo much more cozy than the suitcase Emily had to sleep in with her sunglasses on.

I know it's hard, but it's so much better than having them go to the hospital because it is so bad.

Scotty had to go because his #'s were so low and AF hospital didn't even tell us. We were blessed with a sister in law who was visiting and new he was too lathargic for a baby. He was 2 points away from needing a blood transfusion - super scary.

It will get better in a couple days! He is so CUTE!!

Sarah said...

oh my! This lighted bed thing is new to me. I am so glad he can be home though. We will be thinking out you and cute Chase.

irbuanosraL said...

Oh goodness! Sorry you're having to deal with this stress. My Chase had this same exact situation. We had the lighted bed at home and everything. I hope that all clears up fast. The no nursing thing is a definite challenge, poooooor mom. ouch. I have a little surprise for baby Chase and you. In the next little bit I'll bring it over..I'll call first. Drop in visiors w/ a new baby can be so unsetteling~ ☺

Tonya said...
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Tonya said...

Ya..I wouldn't risk it! I got about and 1 1/2 of sleep last night. Not lookin so pretty today :)
You are too sweet!
Chase is doing much better! I take him in tom for another blood test. I am keeping my fingers crossed his bili is still down!
P.S wheres your blog??

Nicole said...

So not having a baby with jaundice why can't you nurse? He looks so loved and will no doubt become King of the house soon enough!

Tonya said...

I guess mothers can pass jaundice to their baby through breast milk. I had never heard of such a thing. having 3 kids who were jaundice...i thought it was only bec of their liver. I was not sold on the idea so I looked it up on the internet and it only occurs in 1-2% of breast fed babies. I didnt stop..he was under the lights and it went down. As of yesterday it went back up but Doc said not to worry unless he is still jaundice after a month now..